bhag.net online magazine of visual and conceptual exchange |
Printable resources: Create your own group and Format, topics, and tips. bhag meeting groupsThe Bhag Meeting Group is a format for self-organizing groups of artists or authors. The vision is a practical discussion group, sharing working insights and informative life experiences in all facets of artmaking: aesthetic, technical, conceptual, and administrative. Like a book club or study group, the Bhag Meeting Group offers artists an opportunity to share insights and talk shop in an intimate, face-to-face setting. Some of the benefits of forming a Bhag Meeting Group are camaraderie, friendship, mutual inspiration, an expanded circle of artistic contacts, the opportunity to share your practical insights about making and disseminating art, and the opportunity to learn from the experience of others. Anyone, anywhere in the world is welcome to form a local Bhag Meeting Group. Invite whomever you wish to join, agree together to use the Bhag format, and meet. You are an official Bhag Meeting Group. You don't need authorization from anyone. You are welcome, however, to let us know about your group and share your experiences by emailing us at editor@bhag.net. the philosophy behind the formatThe Bhag Meeting Group constitutes a living embodiment of the philosophy that human individuals together make the massive work called culture through a continuous feedback of images and ideas. Sharing out: Producing effects in the world around us. And receiving a share: Responding to the effects everyone is producing, and synthesizing our own future effects out of their raw material. We make culture. And we give each other the materials to make it from. The group does not restrict itself to any single artistic discipline, because just as a single artwork can be made of mixed media, so an aesthetic or technical stumbling block in any medium might be resolved through insights from a mix of other media. Your group might be all writers but a mix of novelists, essayists, and poets. Your group might be painters, sculptors, and photographers. It might even be writers, artists, philosophers, and musicians. Choose the mix that's right for you and your creative circle. As a discussion group, the Bhag Meeting Group benefits from personal connections and small size. New membership in each group is by invitation from current members of that group. The recommended maximum number of members per group is ten. Any number of groups may be created. Anyone anywhere may create a group by inviting any artists they choose and following the vision and format of the Bhag Meeting Group. All group participants are welcome to enjoy the benefit of publishing samples of their work online at bhag.net. It is hoped that the banding together of face-to-face Bhag Meeting Groups will inspire the online bhag.net community and vice versa. how to form a group
making your Bhag Meeting Group successful
format and topicsformat
sample topics
ready topics (when other topics are exhausted)
printable resourcesFor answers to your questions about the Bhag Meeting Group, please contact editor@bhag.net. |